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Accessories play an important role in the arrangement of a sauna or bath. Nothing gives comfort and individuality to a room like the inclusion of all sorts of pleasant little things in it.
Accessories are represented by the following assortment:
  • Irrigation devices
  • Thermometers and hygrometers
  • Watch
  • Buckets and tubs
  • Benches, headrests
  • Fences and mats
  • Lighting
  • Stone products
Models: SET-1DRF-D, SET-2DRF-BL, SET-1D-V, SET-3A-V, SET-2A-P, SET-1A-E, SET-3P-V, SET-1P-E, 393-D, 393-A, 282-THD, 285-THD, 230-TA, 230-TD, 250-TA, 250-TD, 221-TNA, 221-THD, 530-D, 530-P, 531-A, 550-A, 550-P, 510-A, 510-D, 510-P, 512-D, 523-D, etc.


All SAWO products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SAWO: electric furnaces for saunas and baths, heaters, steam generators, humidifiers, prefabricated saunas, control panels, doors, lining, accessories for saunas and baths
  • Electric furnaces SAWO
    Electric furnaces
    Tower, Aries, Nordex, Mini X, etc.
  • Steam generators SAWO
    Steam generators
    STP-45-1/2- DFP-X and others.
  • Saunas assembled SAWO
    Saunas assembled
    SR01-19747605 1416RAC, etc.
  • Doors SAWO
    730-3SGA-L 719, 741-4SGD, etc.
  • Lining SAWO
    SP02-402-1318402-1327 and others .
  • Control devices SAWO
    Control devices
  • Accessories SAWO
    381-D, 595-D-BC, 512-D, etc.

About SAWO

SAWO company (Finland) was founded in 1994 and today is one of the world's leading manufacturers of equipment for saunas and baths.
  • quality

    The high level of quality and safety of SAWO products is due to the use of first-class materials combined with careful control of each stage of production and patented technologies.

    The company's mission is to produce world-class saunas that combine ergonomics and functionality, which, in turn, makes their use much more enjoyable.
  • assortment

    Combining loyalty to traditions and the latest technologies in its work, SAWO produces a wide range of products that can satisfy even the most demanding taste.

Information Board SAWO

Learn more about our products SAWO.
  • Price list for изготовителя SAWO products
    Price list for SAWO products
  • Products  SAWO in stock
    Products SAWO in stock
  • SAWO Product Catalog завода SAWO
    SAWO Product Catalog


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